Understanding CT Scan and Its Working, Function, and Advancements

India has recently been declared as the cancer capital of the world. The number of diseases is increasing, and so does the patient. Certainly, the main problem behind this rise in the number of patients is due to late diagnosis of disease or unavailability of CT scan machines in remote areas due to affordability issues. Many types of cancers can be diagnosed by CT scan machines and the tag of cancer capital can be removed with Bobby and Brother cost-savings CT scan machines. Let’s know more about the CT scan machines and facts around them. 

What is a CT scan machine?

CT scan stands for Computed Tomography Scan. CT scan is a diagnostics imaging technique. CT scan machines are used to image the inside of the body. CT scan machines can image the bones, fats, blood vessels, organs, and muscles. 

Working of CT scan machine

CT scan machines use a combination of X-ray and computer technology to image the body parts under study. In normal X-Rays, it emits the X-rays from one side of the body, and it passes through the body and a plate behind the body observes the X-rays and produces the image accordingly. In comparison to normal X-Rays, CT scan is much more advanced as the X-rays are produced from all directions in a circular form around the body and images are produced for better examination and detection of any disease. X-ray information is sent to the computer and interpreted to produce a 2D image on the monitor.

Here’s one thing to pay attention to is that it might emit X-rays from all directions but the image produced is 2-dimensional. But the 2D sections can be used to generate 3D images of the organ or body parts.  

Function of CT scan machine

  • CT scan can be used to find any internal injuries or internal bleeding that has happened due to any accidents. 

  • Cancer and its stage can be detected by CT scan, which can be helpful in early detection of the cancer and its cure. 

  • If cancer is detected, then CT scan can help doctors to find the right spot and make a decision about the biopsy. 

  • Other internal abnormalities like tumor, blood clots, and excess fluid can be detected. 

Advancement in CT scan Technology

  • Spiral CT: In comparison with the standard CT scan, this CT advancement allows movement of both the patient and the X-ray beam movement continuously and the X-ray beam circling the patient. 

  • High resolution CT: This CT uses very thin sections/slices approximately less than 0.1 inches to produce an image which is very useful in providing miniscule details in certain conditions like lung cancer.

  • Ultrafast CT: The limitation in the standard CT scan was the time taken to produce the image of the internal body parts. Ultrafast CT advancement improved that limitation. 

Choose the Cost Effective Option 

Bobby and Brother has emerged as a reliable and trusted supplier of refurbished CT scan machines and other diagnostics machines. If you are looking for CT scan repair in Nashik, consider Bobby and Brother as your reliable partner.